Manuale di architettura d’interni. Vol.4. L’albergo


Manuale di architettura d’interni. Vol.4. L’albergo

Author: Riccardo Salvi
Publisher: Franco Angeli Edizioni
Printed in Italy
Date: November 2012
ISBN: 9788856849288
Softcover, 144 pages

The fourth volume in the series of books dedicated to interior architecture addresses the topic concerning hotel design. The purpose of this volume – as well as those that preceded it – is to propose operational notes that address the theme of interior design by analyzing the individual components that build the space, through the use of simple and clear texts and drawings. The essential points concerning hotel design are then illustrated by isolating the components and dividing each topic into many minor aspects in order to make the whole more easily understandable. The nature of interior architecture is characterized by the heterogeneity of the relationship between the whole and the parts, and by interdependence between the individual elements and the overall complex, as the whole and the parts are indivisible and interrelated. Real interior architecture design is such that each component, constituting its configuration, is irreplaceable, and the removal or even the interchange of one or more internal factors irreparably undermines the cohesion and therefore its value.
